WACC – Uravnoteženega povprečni strošek kapitala je stopnja/donos, ki ga investitorji pričakujejo/zahtevajo na vsa sredstva v podjetju. Za izračun te stopnje moramo upoštevati vsako vrsto virov financiranja, ki so jih zagotovili investitorji. Vse vire financiranja lahko razvrstimo v tri kategorije virov: dolgovi, prednostni deleži oz. delnice in navadni deleži oz. delnice. Vsaka kategorija ima drugačen pričakovani donos – drugačno ceno in torej pomeni drugačen strošek za podjetje. S ponderiranjem izračunamo povprečje z upoštevanjem višine posamezne kategorije virov v celotnih virih financiranja. Idealno je, če lahko za določitev ponderja uporabimo tržno ceno vsakega vira
Uporaba : diskontna stopnja pri vrednotenjih, DCF, projektih, najemih, …
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Izračun WACC na strani Orodja / Tools
The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is the rate that a company is expected to pay to finance its assets. WACC is the minimum return that a company must earn on existing asset base to satisfy its creditors, owners, and other providers of capital. Companies raise money from a number of sources: common equity, preferred equity, straight debt, convertible debt, exchangeable debt, warrants, options, pension liabilities, executive stock options, governmental subsidies, and so on. Different securities are expected to generate different returns. WACC is calculated taking into account the relative weights of each component of the capital structure. Calculation of WACC for a company with a complex capital structure is a laborious exercise. Since we are measuring expected cost of new capital, we should use the market values of the components, rather than their book values (which can be significantly different). In addition, other, more “exotic” sources of financing, such as convertible/callable bonds, convertible preferred stock, etc., would normally be included in the formula if they exist in any significant amounts – since the cost of those financing methods is usually different from the plain vanilla bonds and equity due to their extra features. WACC is a special way to measure the capital discount of the firms gaining and spending.
(source wikipedia)
WACC calculation on page Orodja / Tools